The concept of Bohemian has been categorised by Laren Stover in Bohemian Manifesto: A Field Guide to Living on the Edge (2004). The Bohemian is "not easily classified like species of birds," writes Stover, noting that there are crossovers and hybrids. The five types she derives are:
- Nouveau: bohemians with money who attempt to join traditional bohemianism with contemporary culture
- Gypsy: drifters, neo-hippies, and others with nostalgia for previous, romanticized eras
- Beat: also drifters, but non-materialist and art-focused
- Zen: "post-beat," focus on spirituality rather than art
- Dandy: no money, but try to appear as if they have it by buying and displaying expensive or rare items – such as brands of alcohol
"(Gypset) to describe a new type of travel, and cultural foraging at home, that redefines the optimal adventure as something with the global references and chic speed of the jet-set mixed with the alternative, anti-commercialism and nomadic wile of a gypsy." Chaplin defines the Gypset philosophy and traces the movement's history from the British romantic poets, Victorian adventurers, surrealists, beats, hippies, and ravers.
Chaplin's book "Gypset Style" (2009) is about "... people I’ve met–or been inspired by– in my travels who have perfected a high-low approach to life that fuses the freelance and nomadic wile of a gypsy with the sophistication and global references of the jet set. Its an alternative way of traveling and living that’s based more on creativity then money".
Read more about Gypset here
Read more of Julia Chaplins' articles here
Read more about Laren Stovers work here